Private Sector Advocacy Platform

Private Sector Advocacy Platform

The private sector has always been vital to Afghanistan’s economy, contributing to economic growth and job opportunities.  However, the economic landscape since 2021 has left many businesses struggling to survive, with limited access to financing, reduced demand for their products and services, and uncertainty around government policies and regulations.

With support from the IFC, Harkat is creating a private-sector advocacy forum to establish a national platform for the private sector to identify, coordinate, and communicate challenges, opportunities, and solutions.

In 2023, Harakat held consultations with approximately 600 representatives of the private sector community, including women and business membership groups, in Kabul and eight other key provinces. The outcome was a unanimous consensus on the need for a channel to discuss and raise key issues and shape policies that support business growth to create a favorable environment for increased private sector investment in the economy.

Collaboration between private sector entities is crucial in promoting policy recommendations and facilitating dialogue with the Interim Taliban Administration (ITA) and the international community. This forum aims to work with business leaders, investors, business associations, chambers, and other stakeholders to identify the private sector’s significant challenges and develop policy recommendations to address them. The ultimate goal is to support the growth and sustainability of the private sector and advocate for policies that align with its interests.

The forum intends to promote policies that enhance access to financing, provide regulatory clarity, facilitate trade, and encourage investment while offering business networking and capacity-building opportunities. The platform will foster a cooperative business environment and unify the private sector’s voice in Afghanistan by bringing together businesses of all sizes, at local and national levels, and from all private sector segments.